Talent Coach

To develop people, we have to understand their personality, behavior and potentials. In this, the following are considered:

  • The character of people develops over years. Under what circumstances can we predict this development? And with this, how can we develop them more effectively and efficiently as successful talent managers?
  • Are we clear about the potential of people? Do we develop the skills of people according to their talents?
  • Are we aware of our own personality? Do we understand how this works in coaching others? What strengths and pitfalls does it bring?
  • Behaviour is a choice. Although we do have a preferred style of behaviour, it is easy to adapt. Do we recognize what behaviour is needed at a given moment? Are we able to apply this behaviour in the most effective way? 

Thinking about talent management in an organization or in a team is not just about the top talents. We give them special attention, but real talent management entails realizing the full potential of all people in the team. If the team of a football club only focus on a top player, they would have the following consequences:

  • The rest of the players would not develop to reach their full potential
  • The other players would get demotivated and feel insecure

If the whole team performs at its maximum, the special qualities of the stars can be best utilized. This is the same in business.

The Accredited Course: Talent Coach is based on the book of Prof. Jan van Zwieten “Talent Coach”.

Program Accreditation

Upon successful completion of this program, you will receive a Certificate: Post Academic Business Administration from the NVAO accredited university 'Netherlands Business Academy'.

These certificates represent a minimum of 20 ECTS and will offer you dispensations when following the complete MBA.


The Program

  • Kick-Off Self-management, Leadership & Coaching
  • Human Resources Management
  • Change Management
  • Leadership
  • Vitality

The Accredited Course “Talent Coach” is based on the following aspects, the performance of people is based on four axes:

  • IQ (rational capacity – how skilled are you to perform?),
  • EQ (social capacity – how well can you influence other people?),
  • PhQ (energetic capacity – how fit for the job and balanced are you?)
  • SQ (Sense or why – are we motivated to do it?)

We have to develop all axes: IQ, EQ and PhQ to have the basis to perform, SQ to have the willingness to use these competences for this specific purpose.

Admission Requirements

You should have relevant work experience or you should also have already completed a bachelor education before you start this program.

Do you not exactly meet the admission requirements? Please contact our study advisors to see what is possible in your specific situation. The admission process can include an interview with a study advisor from Netherlands Business Academy. Based on this interview, you will receive a study advice and you can be admitted to the study program. This program makes it possible to take the next step to realize your ambitions in your career or is a stepping stone to our MBA.

Language Requirements

Literature, lectures, and coaching is given in English. If you do not have sufficient level of English to be able to follow the lectures, on request, we can provide a translation into Czech for you.

Program Acceditation

Upon successful completion of this program, you will receive a Certificate Post Academic Business Administration from the NVAO accredited university 'Netherlands Business Academy'.

These certificates represent a minimum of 20 ECTS and will offer you dispensations when following the complete MBA.

Duration and Study Load

The Accredited Course Talent Coach consists of 18 lecture days and several study group sessions. Outside of class hours, you must count on a reasonable study load per week for writing your assignments. The total duration of the program is 6 months. If you want a more detailed timetable, please contact one of our study advisors. 

Lecture Days

This study program starts with a kick-off course from 26th to 29th of April 2023.

Lectures in this distance study program will be provided through online learning on Tuesday afternoons and evenings. Consultation meetings will take place on Tuesday mornings. Alongside your fellow participants, you will work on cases and assignments, prepare presentations, and comment on each other’s work. The study load is 10 hours of self-study per week. If you require more detailed information about the timetable of this study program, please contact info@ilba.academy.


Contact days in the Czech Republic will be attended in Prague.


Literature, lectures and coaching are given in English. 


The total educational costs are 5 575 € . This does not include literature, living costs, accommodation costs and VAT.

Payment in instalments is possible. If you want more detailed information about financial options, please contact: info@ilba.academy

The Accredited Course Talent Coach is based on the book of Prof. Jan van Zwieten “Talent Coach”.

Prof. Jan van Zwieten RA, RI, RO

Rector of Netherlands Business Academy and International Leadership & Business Academy. Leadership professor and expert in Personal Vitality. Partner of Mentally Fit International Institute. Director of Dutch Management Institute. Partner of Sport Lead. Jan has an enormous experience in the world of sport as a former elite athlete, coach, manager and leader.

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